Shoe Doc products were developed to bring the best quality shoe care products available to the people that need them most. The sneaker community. We create products that will clean and restore your sneakers and save you money.

Our mission is to provide education to people on how they can care for their sneakers and in the process be able to give back to the community.

We educate through video posts and live demonstrations on our social media channels. Follow us to get tips and tutorials on how you can save your self $150 bucks! We not only show you how to use the product, but we also do promotions and giveaways too give back to our online community.

We are very proud of our partnership with Goodwill of Orange County, California.  We take donated sneakers and clean/ restore them so that when they are sold on for the Orange County location they will be in great condition and generate the most money possible for their mission.  Goodwill of Orange County helps people achieve their goals through a journey of personal support, work experience and career development.  They are committed to a future where everyone has access to meaningful career opportunities. 

If you would like to find and bid on sneakers that you have seen restored on our social media platforms, visit and type SHOE DOC in the search. You will find great deals and support an amazing cause.